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FEIN 47-3975420


RGH is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation based on the island of Kauai.


Our team is composed of seasoned, professional organizational leaders, ocean researchers, community leaders, students and the ocean user community that love and take responsibility for our near shore ecosystem.


  •  We are dedicated to raising awareness of and connection with our valuable marine environment and its inhabitants.

  • Our focus is on monitoring the health of our Marine environment and educating our youth as to how they can be responsible caretakers for our marine community.


Many of our scientific advisors came from "Reef Madness" a factual entertainment based show that focused on the plight of the reefs and their inhabitants and are a valuable asset when it comes to validating and authenticating the many issues facing our marine environment today.


The credibility and validation from this powerhouse of world-renowned researchers and scientists is a valuable tool necessary to make progress and to accomplish our mantra." To educate, discover, comprehend and create solutions for our near shore reef habitats and surrounding eco-system."


We have openly shared our GPS High Definition video library and certified test and data results with NOAA, USGS, Universities, DLNR and anyone in need of this data.  


This collection of data provides an unprecedented and detailed 5 year history of repeated visits to most of Kauai’s offshore reefs! The results are beginning to show…


We continue testing the waters of several rivers including the Hanalei River and discovered the presence of heavy metals including Nickel at rates 10-100 times the approved safety levels. Local and Federal government agencies have been alerted and we are working with them to resolve the issue.




  • RGH has made new significant scientific findings. One of those was by Terry Lilley an advisor to RGH who began documenting the first outbreak of cyano-bacteria infecting the corals back in 2011.

  • This was front page news in the Los Angeles Times and other news agencies. The USGS was alerted and sent Dr. Thierry Work and his team to Kauai to do a study of the coral diseases including the discovery of dissolving corals, fractured corals and diseased and multi-tumored Sea Turtles.


  • Documented the destruction and fracturing of corals and injured marine animals due to RIMPAC, electronic warfare from the Navy. A Federal Judge ruled in favor of halting these operations. Again thanks to materials and data and scientifically backed proof that the damage was real. The military is now being held accountable thanks to Earth Justice!



We look forward to continued work with Universities, Environmentally conscious corporations and our government partners like NOAA and USGS so we can continue to help those who cannot speak for themselves, our Oceans reefs and their marine inhabitants.  These partnerships enable Reef Guardians Hawaii to perform its monitoring programs and its research studies so we can continue to provide both data as well as continued education programs in our schools and communities in Hawaii.



We are seeking funding to continue our programs for educating communities, local and Federal government, universities and synergistic organizations to become aware of the our Oceans critical and vital needs.


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